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tvlabs upload

Uploading a Build to the TV Labs Platform

Use tvlabs upload to upload build packages to the TV Labs Platform. This command will return a Build ID that can be used in TV Labs automations or appium scripts.

tvlabs upload <path-to-build-package>


Figure: Example output of the tvlabs upload command.


For usage in a scripting context, use the -i option to output only the build ID. For example:

$ tvlabs upload -i <path-to-build-package>


Builds may also be uploaded via the TV Labs platform API. For example:

BUILD_UPLOAD=$(curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer <your-api-key>" '')
BUILD_ID=$(echo $BUILD_UPLOAD | jq -r '.build_id')
UPLOAD_URL=$(echo $BUILD_UPLOAD | jq -r '.url')

curl -X PUT -T <path-to-build-package> $UPLOAD_URL