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Detect Playback (experimental)

Restrictions: "none"

Detect Playback

No docs available


timeoutdurationFail if playback is not detected within this time.YesNo
thresholdnumberDistance threshold for frame comparison.YesNo
modeenumDetection mode to use when checking for playback. When audio is used for detecting, you can customize it with the audio level parameter.YesNo
maskregionSpecify an optional region to focus on when detecting video playback. If not specified, the entire screen will be used.NoNo
audioLevelnumberThe minimum audio level (dB) to consider playback when checking audio.YesNo
audioPresentbooleanFail if audio is not detected.YesNo


defaultbooleanWhether the playback was detected or not
timenumberThe actual wait time (ms)
frameimageScreen capture when playback was detected (or timed out)
distancenumberDetected distance
maxAudioLevelnumberThe maximum audio level (dB) detected during playback

Observe Playback

Restrictions: "none"

Observe Playback

No docs available


firstFrameimageThis frame marks the beginning of the playback.YesNo
timeoutFirstFramedurationMaximum time to wait until seeing the first frame. If the first frame is not seen within this time, the step will fail.YesNo
timeoutdurationMaximum playing time to check if the playback has any issues. If no issues are detected within this time, the step will pass.YesNo
qoeIDtextThe QoE ID to use for the playback observer.NoNo
thresholdnumberDistance threshold for frame comparison.YesNo
distanceenumSelect distance metric to use.YesNo


defaultbooleanIs the playback successful?
videoInitialBufferTimenumberThe initial buffer time of the video (in milliseconds).
videoStartTimenumberThe starting time of the video